by Dr Becky Spelman
  • What is Hypnotherapy and how is it different than other Private Therapy Clinic services?

    Hypnotic techniques are used by a highly trained Private Therapy Clinic Hypnotherapist (who is MNCH accredited) in such a way as to bring about therapeutic changes. In hypnotherapy treatment the Therapist assists in activating the inner resources of the Client in order to achieve realistic goals. The problems that Hypnotherapy can help with fall into the following broad classes: Thoughts, Phobias, Feelings and Habits but it can also help with a huge range of other Issues. MNCH accredited hypnotherapists have been in practice for a minimum of three years.

  • Private Hypnotherapy in Ireland

  • Anxiety

  • Weight Loss

  • Smoking cessation

  • How Can I Book Hypnotherapy in Ireland

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