Evidence-based Therapies course for Psychology Graduates and Counsellors

by Dr Becky Spelman
  • Mental Health Coach Certificate – 1 year Course Evidence-based Therapies course for Psychology Graduates and Counsellors

    Discover how you can truly make a difference in mental health with our Mental Health Coaching Course. Whether you’re passionate about helping others through mental health challenges or eager to master evidence-based therapies, our comprehensive course is perfect for you. Gain essential knowledge and practical tools in a structured, engaging learning environment designed to empower aspiring coaches. This journey will unlock your potential and equip you to positively impact people’s lives. Start today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in mental health coaching.

  • Who is the Mental Health Coach course for?

  • What are the details of the course?

  • What are the aims of the course?

  • What are the benefits of the course?

  • What is the course structure?

  • What career guidance will I receive on the course?

  • Will there be self-directed learning required on the course?

  • Will I gain more advanced knowledge regarding one particular area of interest while on the course?

  • What areas of specialisation can I choose from?

  • What course work will I be required to complete?

  • Do I have to have my coursework published?

  • Do I get experience with real clients on the course?

  • Do I get experience with real clients on the course?

  • Is Clinical Supervision provided as part of the course?

  • Have there been success stories from past intakes of this course?

  • What will I achieve from completing this course?

  • How do I apply for this course?

  • What do I include in my application video?

  • What teaching sessions are provided in the course:

  • Can I attend some of the teaching sessions on the course if I don’t want to do all of them.

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