by Dr Becky Spelman
  • What is a cognitive assessment?

    A cognitive assessment is a series of tests and procedures used to evaluate a person’s cognitive abilities, which refer to their mental skills for processing, storing, and using information. These abilities include:

    • Learning
    • Memory
    • Thinking
    • Reasoning
    • Memory
    • Problem-solving
    • Decision making
    • Attention
    • Language

    Numerous factors can affect our cognitive functioning. These include age, medical conditions, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and dementia, chronic substance use, sleep deprivation, stress, poor nutrition, and genetics. A cognitive assessment is a useful way to understand more about the way we utilise these abilities and to identify any difficulties in these everyday processes.

  • What are the types of cognitive assessments?

  • What are cognitive assessments helpful for?

  • Can children undergo a cognitive assessment?

  • Who administers a cognitive assessment?

  • What are the costs?

  • References

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