Trichotillomania is a disorder in which the person afflicted feels compelled to pull out their own hair, often leading to bald patches. The disorder sometimes resembles an addiction. The condition often starts in childhood, and sufferers may pull hair from their scalp, eyelashes, pubic area, and so forth. Often, pulling the hair relieves a sense of tension, but some people don’t even realise that they are doing it.
Trichotillomania often occurs in people who also have other disorders, such as anxiety, OCD, or depression. There may also be a genetic component to the condition.
If trichotillomania is something that has affected you, you will be aware of how hard it can be to deal with, and how it can have a serious impact on confidence, socialising, and work. You may have experienced deep-rooted emotions of shame and embarrassment around the behaviour, despite the fact that you feel powerless to stop. The impact on self-esteem can be devastating, and many sufferers feel very alone, not realising how common the condition is.
What does Trichotillomania Treatment involve?
Initially, you might benefit from medication, if you have an underlying issue such as depression. Longer term, you will need to find a new way to deal with the emotions that lead to the damaging, hair-pulling behaviours so that you can find a new way to relieve tension. Your psychotherapist can work with you to reverse habits that you have developed, and use techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy or biofeedback to help you learn how to replace harmful with benign behaviours.
How can I get Trichotillomania Treatment in Ireland?