by Dr Becky Spelman

Substance Abuse, whether of alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, or even overeating, is a common problem in people of all social and economic classes, and both genders.

If you are a struggling with substance abuse, know that you are not alone.

  • What does Substance Abuse Treatment involve?

    As a first step, you might benefit from a range of medical and psychological supports. Cocaine addicts, for example, can benefit in the short term from medication, which can be prescribed by a doctor. Support groups, such as the well-known twelve-step programmes espoused by groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, and group therapy, can also provide invaluable help, as can a range of self-help techniques. Some substance abusers will also benefit from a period in a rehab institution, in which they are enabled to become completely “clean” while also experiencing a range of therapies designed to foster healing.

  • Treating Substance Abuse with Psychotherapy

  • How can I get Substance Abuse Treatment in Ireland?

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