by Dr Becky Spelman

Perhaps because “perfectionist” is a word that we all bandy about very readily, saying things like, “He’s such a perfectionist, he’ll get it done right!” it can be easy to overlook that perfectionism can be not just a psychological disorder in its own right, but also a significant contributing factor to a range of other problems, including low self-esteem , sexual dysfunction, and difficulties with sleep and emotional regulation.

  • What is Perfectionism?

    Imagine someone who feels that if everything they do is not 100% perfect, they are a failure as a human being. A perfectionist typically sets standards for themselves that are so high that they are either impossible or immensely difficult to reach. Under this sort of pressure, they approach every task already in a state of heightened anxiety and stress. If any little thing goes wrong, even if it’s something completely beyond their control, their self-esteem and sense of order are struck a terrible blow, and they can begin to experience great distress. All of this can have huge repercussions for their ability to form healthy relationships with others, work effectively, and making healthy choices for themselves.

  • Can psychotherapy help perfectionism?

  • How Can I Get Treatment For Perfectionism In Ireland?

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