by Dr Becky Spelman
  • Therapy for the LGBT Community

    Although there have been dramatic changes in many societies with respect to the acceptance of same-sex attraction and relationships – including significant changes regarding the legal standing of long-term same-sex relationships and of parents in same-sex relationships – coming to terms with a minority identity can still be hard, and often some therapy can be really useful in discussing any causes of distress relating to sexuality and identity.

    Members of the LGBT community can, of course, suffer all the same mental health disorders as anyone else. Some of them can also be more vulnerable than average to conditions such as depression, anxiety, and self-harm, particularly if they have experienced discrimination, bullying, or violence in society or in family contexts.

    Even when people have supportive families and friendship groups, sometimes it can be difficult living in a world in which heterosexuality – the most common sexual orientation – is often presented as the only possible, or the morally superior one, and heterosexual marriage and partnerships are held up as an ideal to aspire towards.

    In general, it can be hard being a member of a minority, and members of the LGBT community are often hyper-aware of their minority status, and of the fact that they are less represented at every level of society.

    As well as having higher than average levels of mental ill-health, LGBT people also have higher than average levels of physical ill-health, thought to be related to both the stress that they experience and to self-medication with a range of prescription and other substances, including alcohol, as a way to cope. They are also more likely than average to be living in poverty, in itself a stressful situation that can exacerbate any underlying physical or mental health issue.

  • When Should I Seek Help?

  • What is Conversion Therapy?

  • Finding the Right Therapist

  • Productive Forms of Therapy

  • Common Issues in Therapy

  • Family Therapy

  • What about Group Therapy?

  • Positive Outcomes

  • References

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