by Dr Becky Spelman
  • What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

    Often people confuse BDD with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), although there are similarities (obsessive thoughts), OCD deals with more than just obsessive thoughts about physical appearance. Similarly, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are often confused with BDD; however, BDD sufferers are concerned with more than just their weight. BDD is not a condition where the individual is obsessed with how beautiful they are but rather it is a mental health condition related to how the sufferer perceives their appearance, and as such is often a self-esteem issue. The individual suffering from BDD will have a completely distorted perception about a real or imagined flaw in their appearance and this creates irrational beliefs. The irrational beliefs the individual has about their appearance then lead to an excessive obsession with the body part(s) involved. These may include obsessive thoughts and/or rituals which cause the sufferer significant distress andoften disrupt daily functioning.

  • Symptoms

  • The Role of Media in BDD

  • Treatment

  • How Can I Find Treatment for BDD?

  • References

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