by Dr Becky Spelman

For some people controlling certain urges is almost impossible, the urge they experience leads to irresistible compulsions which have negative consequences for the individual. These compulsive behaviours are triggered by uncomfortable emotions and therefore the underlying difficulty behind this problem is emotional regulation. Sometimes even the tiniest bit of stress, boredom or frustration can trigger the persons urge to carry out the compulsion without them even thinking about it. We can help with various different impulse control disorders such as:

Trichotilomania (Hair pulling)

Self Harm (Skin Picking)

  • How can I book Treatment for Impulse Control Disorders?

    If you would like to talk to someone about having treatment for an Impulse Control Disorder in Ireland, please get in touch with the Private Therapy Clinic on Whatsapp message at: 7511116565 email, chat bot or book online to arrange an appointment.

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