by Dr Becky Spelman
  • What is dialectical behavioural therapy?

    Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an innovative form of cognitive-behavioural therapy developed by Dr Marsha Linehan. Originally designed to treat Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), DBT empowers individuals to replace unhelpful behavioural patterns with more adaptive ones. With a focus on understanding emotional triggers that can lead to destructive behaviours and thoughts, DBT provides practical skills and strategies to help individuals build emotional resilience, and has proven to be highly effective, even for patients who have struggled with treatment in the past, or those who may initially resist seeking help.

    DBT recognizes that life can be stressful, and some circumstances may be beyond our control. However, it teaches individuals how to tolerate difficult emotions and develop more helpful ways of thinking. Additionally, DBT promotes a holistic approach to health, encouraging individuals to create a lifestyle that supports both physical and psychological well-being.

  • What is it helpful for?

  • How does it work?

  • Individual DBT therapy

  • Our DBT crisis service

  • How do I book?

  • References

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) free consultation

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