by Dr Becky Spelman

In cases of emergency or high distress between sessions here is a list of helplines & support agencies that can help.

If you have a plan to end of your life and feel you may act on it today:  Please go to your

local Accident and Emergency department or call 999

If you experience non-urgent distress between therapy sessions here are some numbers you may find useful.

Crisis & emotional support contacts

NHS Direct

Operate 24/7 and should be able to provide details of local crisis support services or advise on accessing local A&E

Tel: 0845 4647


24 hour emotional support line

Tel: 08457 90 90 90


Emotional support line for people in mental distress opening hours: 6pm-11pm everyday

Tel: 0845 767 8000

No Panic

Helpline for people with anxiety disorders. Also has telephone recovery group for members opening hours: 10am-10pm everyday

Tel: 0800 138 8889

Anxiety Alliance

Helpline for people with anxiety disorders opening hours: 10am-10pm everyday

Tel: 0845 296 7877

Mood Swings

Helpline proving advice, info and support to people with severe mood disorder opening hours: 10am-4pm, Mon-Fri

Tel: 0845 123 6050


London based respite centre that provides short-term respite to people who are suicidal. People can ring them directly to discuss arranging a stay. Can only stay there once.

Tel: 0207 263 7070

Distress & Crisis information free consultation

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