by Dr Becky Spelman

Human beings, like all other animals, evolved the “fright and flight” response as a protective mechanism. The response involves, among other things, the secretion of extra adrenaline, and an increase in the heart rate, along with a sense of urgency or terror. When we’re really facing a dramatic event that we need to flee from, the fright and flight response keeps us safe. But when we suffer the symptoms of fright and flight even when there’s no immediate threat, it’s known as having panic attacks.

Panic attacks, which can include symptoms such as a heavily pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweating and dizziness, can have a terrible effect on quality of life. They can come “out of the blue”, leaving the victim very vulnerable. Panic attacks can be triggered by a range of stimuli. For one person a panic attack might start when they are on the train on their commute home and the carriage becomes overly full. The sensation of being in a crowded space might make them feel as though they can’t breathe or move, triggering a full scale panic attack. For someone else, a trigger could be finding themselves all alone in a large, empty space, or being faced with the need to make an important decision very quickly.

Panic attacks are quite common; at the milder end of the spectrum, they occur in many people. They can become very problematic when they are severe or frequent – or both.

  • Why do people get panic attacks?

    Some people are prone to panic attacks because of a traumatic experience in their past, while others suffer panic attacks alongside another underlying condition, such as agoraphobia, post-traumatic stress, or OCD. Some people get panic attacks in the wake of suffering a recent setback or problem, such as bereavement or the loss of a job. However, we don’t always know what the cause is.

  • Panic in Claustrophobia

  • Panic with agoraphobia

  • What can help?

  • How can I get therapy for panic attacks in Ireland?

  • References

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