by Dr Becky Spelman
  • What is Alcoholism?

    Alcoholism is a dangerous and very common addiction. While alcoholics can be stereotyped as homeless drifters or violent drunks, the reality is that alcoholism is found everywhere. Women and men alike, and people from everywhere along the socio-economic spectrum, can be alcoholics and many manage to live relatively stable lives for years, before their addiction catches up with them.

    Many alcoholics first develop a problem when they start to self-medicate for feelings of anxiety and stress. Because we live in a society in which a relatively high level of alcohol consumption is socially acceptable, it can be easy for traditions like “a couple of pints after work” or “drinks at wine o’clock” to segue into problematic levels of drinking. While alcohol consumption can help with feelings of stress in the short term, over time excessive drinking inevitably leads to a range of physical and mental health problems.

    Alcoholism can manifest as both excessive, addictive drinking that is persistent and frequent—such as drinking a bottle of wine or several pints of beer every day—and as binge drinking—which is drinking considerably to excess on occasion. While all binge drinkers are engaging in dangerous behaviour, they are not necessarily addicts. However, both behaviours can indicate addiction, and both are extremely dangerous for our physical and mental health. What is more, over time our bodies become used to high levels of alcohol consumption and we require more and more to obtain the sensations that we crave. In this respect, alcohol is no different to any other drug.

    Alcoholism is often co-morbid with a range of other conditions. Ironically, considering that many alcoholics turn to drinking in an effort to manage stress or depression, alcoholism can actually exacerbate or even lead to these conditions. The psychological conditions common in alcoholics include anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation. All of these can, understandably, grow worse when the individual starts to develop problems with their physical health, such as liver disease, high blood pressure, stroke, coronary heart disease and heartbeat irregularities.

  • Diagnosis

  • Sub-Types of Alcohol Abuse

  • Associated Symptoms with Alcohol Abuse

  • How Can Alcoholism be Treated?

  • Managing Your Alcohol Abuse Independently

  • Where Can I find Help for Alcoholism?

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