by Dr Becky Spelman

Living in a world that puts increasing demands on an individual leaving them feeling almost hopeless, it comes as no surprise that we all attempt to escape the real world from time to time. Unfortunately for some, music, reading, writing and other such activities do not provide a strong enough form of escapism. For those individuals, alcohol and other such drugs can often offer temporary relief from stress, anxiety and other difficulties, however this temporary relief is short lived and does not solve the problem in the longer term.

You may notice that you are using alcohol as a temporary relief from an unsatisfied life or you may be concerned that you have become addicted to it. But how do you know how serious your alcohol use is and when might you need to consider changing your drinking behaviour? Lets have a look at the difference between binge drinking and alcohol addiction:

  • What exactly is binge drinking?

    • Binge drinking is seen as a form of addictive behaviour .
    • It is defined as the consumption of a certain number of drinks over a short period of time, a single drinking session or during a single day.
    • The amount of alcohol consumed in order to be classified as “binging” should be twice the daily alcohol allowance. For men that is 3-4 units of alcohol, whereas for women it is 2-3 units.
    • The purpose of binge drinking is to get drunk and feel the effects of alcohol in a very short time.
    • Individuals affected often do not believe they have a problem with alcohol because they do not drink every day.
    • They often stick with the belief that they are in control over how much alcohol they consume.
    • Binge drinkers continue using alcohol even when it causes physical, social, legal and psychological problems.
    • It is very difficult for binge drinkers to control their alcohol consumption using behaviour.
    • There is a strong desire or compulsion to use alcohol.
    • It mainly affects young people, but it is not restricted to them.
  • When does binge drinking become an addiction?

  • What do all these facts mean?

  • What available help is there for you?

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